Strategic Intelligent Technical Services

Operation support

(service contents)

  • Outline of our service

We carry out “preventive maintenance” on installed information systems.

We will use control measures putting “the maintenance which would NOT expose the information system to the risk” as the top priority.
Still, if the risk arised, we will continuously provide controls that prioritize the restoration of the current situation.

In general, since expenses for “preventive actions” cost LESS than “corrective actions” when the risk arised, we recommend to maintain the preventive measures.

Moreover, we recommend to put the priority of “3 elements of information security measures” required for the information system as below:

“Integrity”  ≧  ”Availability”  >  ”Confidentiality”

For concrete contents, we will implement the following 1) ~ 5) .
1) Grasp the management state of the system and data using the asset management table.
2) Set up an annual schedule and will back up and recover the target equipments and devices.
3) Monitor the operation status of the system and take action such as replacement as soon as possible when a warning occurs.
4) Prepare substitute equipments for unforeseen situations on a consistent basis, will restore the current condition.
5) Manage the introduction based on the plan in case the information system changes, and will activate the “information system introduction / evaluation service” as necessary.

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